Best Practices in Science Teaching

Welcome to the Best Practices in Science Teaching guide and toolkit for educators conducting environmental learning programs and lessons!

This toolkit is designed to be a simple and time friendly guide to take the work you are already doing in your environmental learning programs and lessons and shift them from students “learning about” content to “figuring out” content. It places the learning and the students at the center, and it is something the students do, not something done to them. These are not radical shifts in your programming, but a way to support what is already being done well in so many formal, informal and non-formal, large and small, rural and urban learning environments. 

Use this guide to: 

  • – Learn about core research-based shifts in science education that have been proven to improve student outcomes
  • – Explore concreate examples of how minor changes in lessons can be incorporated to move students from “learning about” to “figuring out” 
  • – Workshop your own lessons using a series of “Best Practice” tools
  • – Engage your colleagues in a discussion about how to adapt and improve your lessons

Click above if you want to access the entire guide and toolkit as one document. 

Toolkit Introductory Sections

Key Resources and Handouts

Best Practices Tools

Other Resources